*月城水愛プロフ*           ╋ SNSも絵を描くのも長い年月やめてましたが、2020年7月に復帰

╋ 好きなもの

╋ 個人事業主として三年ほど屋号『AquaGrace』でイラストデザイン業してた頃もありました (ちなみに廃業時に.comのドメイン解約したら、使われちゃってもう登録できなくなったんだよね…隠れ蓑にはなったけど…)

*旧PN*秋草らい* ╋ 旧個人サークル名
╋ 月光水(MoonlightWater)

╋ 過去、そうさく畑・COMITIA (京都、大阪、神戸)メインで 、イベント参加してました

╋ 初オフセット本は、中三のとき!
╋ ジャンルは、ほぼ創作(ごく稀にゲーム)

*登録してるサービス* ┸ Bluesky
┸ X
┸ タイッツー

┸ YouTube

╋ 分散型SNS
┸ Misskey.design (illustration)
┸ Misskey.io (Fanart)

╋ mixi(休止中)

*優祈乃静玖 名義* ┸ カクヨム
優祈乃 しずく
┸ Nolaノベル
優祈乃 しずく

┸ SoundCloud
Muguet Snowdrop
┸ Smule

╋ 分散型SNS
┸ Novelskey
┸ おとすきー

╋ nana(休止中)

 + Name + mia*mooncastle

 + Likes + Drawing pictures, Reading, Singing, Dancing (I don't have as much energy as I used to.), Going to museums, Mobile game,

 + Favorite + Arts, Child literature, Fantasy, Nature, Tea with milk, Herbal tea ...

I was born and raised in Kyoto, but live in Shiga now. I love creative activity. I think I'm full of curiosity, so I would like to get to know a lot of people.

+++ How do I feel using English +++

Using English is difficult for me, but when I can make myself understood in English, I feel happy. When I speak English, I am troubled about "what do I say in English in this case?" many times. My friend said to me the other day, "I'm sorry to hear that," but I don't know what do I say. In such a case, I only nodded. Anyway I like using English. If I could speak English fluently, I would be more enjoyable.

Writing is also difficult. It has many rules. I'm poor at English composition. I'm afraid if I can make myself understood well. By using English, we can communicate with people who speak English. I would like to talk various people, so using English is good for me. Because English is spoken in many countries.