
・ AquaGrace ・
-+-月光水宮 -+-
・ MoonlightWater ・


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このWebsiteの著作権は、月城 水愛にございます。リンク先の方のバナー以外の全ての画像、及び文章は、特に明記されていない限り、私のオリジナルです♪ 無断転載及び複製、2次配布を硬く禁じます。

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All images and texts contained in this website are original except for banners of other websites. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form without my permission.

If you find any copies of my works in any other places being used on a website, printed or sold without my permission, please inform me as soon as possible, for there is a possibility of an infringement of copyright.

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Banner です ↓ 
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( - under renewal - )

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Once again, thank you for your visit.

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